Saturday, 12 September 2009

take away

A combination of the shopping booked for 20.30 military hours and the fact we're all suffering from first-week-back-at-work-after-seven-weeks-off, and early-to-work-for-no-actual-launch-itis, I can't be bothered to cook, so we get a take away from tiffin box and watch Vicky Christina Barcelona on DVD.

If we hadn't had old fashioned chicken curry, lamb achari and tarka the otter, I would've cooked this:

Food of the Milos
Another goodish day on the gut front for the monkeys. Waffles and tea for breakfast, avocado, cheese and tomatoes for lunch and pasta and Jamie's tomato sauce for dinner. He also had a lollypop and some gummi bears for being such a good boy whilst getting his haircut. I'm a bit sad he's lost his curls, but he's still super-cute, so ultimately it doesn't really matter. I've also taught him to say 'clunge' - brenda beware!

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