Wednesday 7 April 2010

thai meatball curry

There's an element of planning ahead tonight, I know the ana's are off to the Diamond Isle next week so it would be good to have something in the freezer, it would also be useful to use-up the remainder of the curry paste in the fridge AND I also want to try milo on a mild-ish curry.

Sadly there's gap between my glorious plan and the photo-actuality. To start off with I only got half the amount of pork I thought I'd ordered, and then I find one of the peppers I'd kept back had gone mouldy. Insult to injury is added when I forget the big frying pan isn't actually very good at frying. Everything just sticks to the bottom, so rather than brown the meatballs just kind of mush.

thai meatball curry

It looks more successful than it was to be honest, and that's with a knackered box brownie. Even the flavour lacked some vibrancy for some reason. How vexing, but at least I got some in the freezer for next week.

thai meatball coconut curry - Delicious - August 2009, p55

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