Monday 16 March 2009

tomato sauce & pasta

Post swimming class lunch for the milos.

tomato sauce & pasta
He has a choice between plain pasta with gruyere, or tomato & rosemary sauce from the freezer. The cheese disappears in about three seconds before he faffs around with the tomato sauce. In true Victorian Parents style, we put it in the fridge for later and he goes to bed with no pudding.

He doesn't actually have pudding at lunch, but I feel we've sent a valuable message to him.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my sweet lord he is a cute looking little boy! Looks more and more like his mum everyday! Hah! I am glad to see Milo is just like Amy, despite being the child of a gourmand she would much prefer her pasta plain with no sauce, and her fried steamed plain, not fried. Freak.

