Wednesday 25 March 2009

stir-fried noodles with beef & sugar snap peas, and ratatouille

Not together though, that would be horrid! No, tonight we have an old Bill Granger favorite from Simply Bill, only I've gone slightly off-menu.

I tend to use ginger puree rather than batons, as it doesn't burn (or stay crispy depending on how it's feeling), I add chilli and I didn't use sherry in the sauce. The first two are my own 'inspirations', the third because I forgot to buy any.

stir-fried noodles with beef & sugar snap peas

Food of the Milos
Meanwhile over in cloud Milo land, an article in this month's Observer Food Monthly alarms us enough to decide to try and funnel more veg into him, and like all good middle-class parents we opt for ratatouille:


Now normally I despise ratatouille, but this version from Saint Hugh involving separate pans for all the ingredients whilst faffy, is blydi marvellous.

So tonight he had:
Some of last night's pie, to mixed reception. He kept eating it, then spitting it out, going 'pie' and putting more in, before spitting it out again. He also had Hugh's four-pan ratatouille which he hearted (possibly to the max). Consequently one bowl has gone into the freezer, and he's got a bigger portion for tomorrow's dinner.

As you were.


  1. Woah, scary article considering my daughter's eating habits. She LOVES pasta, I make wholewheat about half the time, otherwise its a bowl of the processed white kind with sauce on the side for dipping. She does eat a healthy bread though, no processed white for us even though I love it. We have been giving her apple juice diluted with water daily recently for the first time due to pooing issues and we eat a lot of fruit (bad) and veg as a family. But its easy to sink into mediocrity as kids can be so picky. Sigh. PS 6 people read the blog unless someone voted three times in your poll!

  2. Does Milo like tunafish? Amy LOVES tuna which makes Ron gag but makes me very proud. One of her favourite lunches is a muffin tray with assorted nibbly things in, see blog post:

  3. erm.. yep. I did vote 3 times and have tried to vote more but it won't let me. sorry. oops.

    oh god, I shall read the observer article and berate myself some more. What if our child will eat nothing but fishfingers and pasta?? what then?!

