Monday 23 March 2009

a bad day

Fate like a fickle jade deserts me at about 3.00AM Saturday morning.

Having triumphantly played my first ever game of poker, and enjoyed excellently stupid and drunken gossip with Miss Lucy Ferguson et al, I arrive home at the aforementioned time. I'm a little merry. Twenty minutes later the milos wake up. And then at 6.45AM. I have to beg the ana's for a lie-in to recover slightly. Poker has killed me.

It's killed me to such an extent I can't face any alcohol until the beginning of the Wales game - for which I'd specially got in some SA Gold for me and Mikelodocus, who is up for the weekend. Further, I spend the day cramming baguette and Boursin down my throat as they are the only things I can eat.

Faced with hangover and Wales failing, we get a takeaway from Tiffin Box and watch a Magda-special DVD. It's not a great day for cooking, Welsh rugby or the russells. On the upside, the milos had a good day:

mikeledocus and milo

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