Monday, 4 January 2010

stuffed peppers & salad

Back to work - booo! Whilst the anas and milos are whooping it up in the frozen sun, I'm stuck in front of a screen and a billion emails, and my own version of a cold turkey headache.

At least there was some lovely soup at lunchtime. Lovely soup incidentally, which the anas had for lunch *despite* the fact she apparently doesn't like that particular variety. Hmmmmm

Despite getting brain freeze cycling home, we have salad for dinner - albeit with stuffed peppers. It's easy-peasy lemon squeezy, pretty tasty AND I got a chance to use my Christmas silicon fish slice.

stuffed peppers & salad

Food of the Milos

The greedy guts had 10 - TEN - things to eat today: porridge for breakfast, humzingers, soup for lunch, cheese, a smoothie, some of last night's turkey bolognese, grapes, spicy stars, a slice of malt loaf, kiwi fruit and five lots of milky. No wonder he's got a fat tummy!

I've also started back-filling December fyi...

stuffed peppers - Delicious, April 2009, p 31

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