Saturday, 18 July 2009

spaghetti with cherry tomato sauce

Another winner in the bank tonight; classic spaghetti and cherry tomato sauce. It's quick, it's tasty and it has the Brucie Bonus factor because the milos can have it the next day. What more do you want? Oh yes, another glass of wine...

Food of the Milos
Having recovered from his bout of vapours yesterday, today he fills up with cheese, weetabix, fruit by the punnet and jacket potato for dinner.

spaghetti with cherry tomato sauce, Donna Hay - Instant Cook, p


  1. Ooh, jacket potatoe, clever. Hmm, will have to try that one. Amy also exists only on pasta so I need to up the ante. I made a divine mac and cheese the other night but neither she nor Super Ron thought much of it. I even used mozzarella in the sauce to make it stretchy. Sigh.

  2. The pasta thing is an issue isn't it? It's just too easy to make the pasta and cheese, but potatoes do seem a winner. Or maybe it's the cheese. What's a mac and cheese - am I being an eejit?

