Sunday 28 June 2009

hangovers & thai beef salad

Oh dear, last night's festivities have hit the Barnes household hard, particularly in the key 'mummy' demographic. This could prove problematic because we're off to a birthday party in Wimbledon this afternoon...

Whilst the anas malinger in bed moaning, we go for a walk to the pond again armed with babycinos and sunglasses to admire the carpses before the party.

Slightly full of cake, blueberries and raspberries, we have a healthy yet beefy salad in jardiniere to balance the sugar rush, and some more vino to combat the hangover.

thai beef saladFood of the Milos
weetabix for breakfast, babycinos and raisins as a snack, bear crisps and cake at the party, and then a pizza for tea. I made two pizzas just in case we needed to test one.

thai-style beef salad - Delicious, July 2007, p130

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