Tuesday, 14 April 2009

pad thai

The illusions of beginning a healthier recovery diet begin with a zesty pad thai.

pad thaiOur planned health kick goes out of the window in a torrent of wine and beer. Well one can and one glass.

Food of the Milos

As he's had a few teeth 'issues' over the weekend and now has a cold, he gets macaroni cheese (with the added cauliflower). Usually it's his favorite but not tonight, although ana suspects this might have something to do with the platter of cheese sandwiches and packets of 'erb puffs he was stuffing down earlier rather than any illness.

1 comment:

  1. This looks veeery nice indeed. I shall 'google' the recipe. sorry to hear that Milo is under the weather, Ben is the same and has refused anything even remotely food like since we got back! oh brilliant. I shall make him look at your blog to inspire him. kisses to all x

