Tuesday, 14 April 2009

bad lucy & good lucy

The observant amongst you may have noticed experimental cookery week hasn't actually been *that* experimental so far, but from Wednesday it went spectacularly pear-shaped thanks to Miss Lucy Ferguson, hereafter known as Bad Lucy.

A quick post-work pint with the former C4 dream team ends at 0240 with a hearty meal of a packet of Ainsley Harriet's god-awful Cous Cous I got free from Delicious last year, via impromptu karaoke, an abortive search for a take away, and a £20 taxi journey from Hammersmith home. I felt very brackish the next day - only my third day at a new job.

So broken am I, I insist on having a curry from T Box when I get home as it'll mean "we'll have more time packing" for our weekend in Dorset with the Good Lucy (Miss Brenda Baxendale-Taylor), Daviss, Greg, Spandy, Rob, Sex Shop, Ellie, Tilly, Harry, B-Jamin and Cerys.

Ana puts up a massive struggle but eventually gives in on the condition she can try a spoonful of the Old Fashioned.

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