Wednesday 10 March 2010

roasted chicken with chorizo & cabbage

Ker-ist, it's even colder today, if that's possible - although maybe I shouldn't have sat in Golden Square reading at lunchtime, with only a thermos of chilli to keep me warm?

Anyway, it's either potato & mushroom stew or experimental chicken tonight - hmmm, what would annoy the anas least? Experimental chicken with chorizo cabbage from a Waitrose recipe card it is!

roasted chicken with chorizo & cabbage
Other than edges of the cabbage getting slightly burned, and the fact I didn't have sherry or brandy so had to make do with sherry vinegar, it's pretty good. Definitely a spring/autumn dish as the chorizo and cabbage is quite earthy.

Brompton Watch: 6 - no members of the International Fraternity of Friendly Brompton Owners Club.

Food of the Milos
It's a Julia day today, but he continues to have fallen out of love with breakfast. Cottage pie for lunch, jacket potato, fish fingers, avocado and cherry tomatoes for dinner.

roasted chicken with chorizo & cabbage - Waitrose Everyday Recipe Card

1 comment:

  1. mmmm, I am starting to enjoy your winter dishes as its just getting a little cooler over here. Yesterday I made cauliflower and chorizo soup and today I am making a sweet and sour sausage stew. YUM.... Must call soon for a chat, have you got skype and a webcam on your laptop? If not... DO IT NOW! I want to show off my chubby baby and my exuberant 3 year old!

