Thursday 4 February 2010

stuffed peppers, salad and turmeric potatoes

It's cupboard-scraping time ahead of going to visit Davisss and Brenda's new country pile, with some side visits to a knife skills course for the boys, and playing rugby for the er, boys. Again.

To bulk out tonight's salad option (and to be honest we ate most of the salad last night) I hit upon the idea of using the last of our 'heritage' potatoes for Billy G's marvelous turmeric potatoes - can you get a yellower dish?

Points to note: 'Heritage' potatoes make excellent turmeric potatoes - deffo in the league of Kiki's and my mum's Christmas potatoes - and secondly, you really DO need gruyere in the rice. Parmesan just isn't strong enough.

Food of the Milos
Spag bol from the freezer tonight for the monkey, followed by fruit puree.

stuffed peppers - Delicious, April 2009, p31
turmeric potatoes - Bill Granger, Holiday, p190

1 comment:

  1. You better take some photos of the country mansion that the Taylors are now the lorded owners of please! And knife sharpening? Thank goodness the Whites no longer live in the UK - there is no way I would let Ron go knife sharpening in my place and that would upset the finally poised balance between the genders! Miss you guys, we should try and call this weekend... tell Lucy to set up skype and find us on ronsarahwhite and we can mince around with our new webcam and laptop!

