Sunday, 10 May 2009

spinach & parmesan meatballs

Coming back from work only slightly delayed due to happy hour I go into full hunter-gatherer mode in Terry Tescos: Kayosaurus & Mikeledocus are up to look after magic whilst the anas work an extra day this week and there's two for one mince on offer, therefore we're having the spicy meatballs!

spinach & parmesan meatballsEveryone's a winner, or would be if at least tried to cook it in less than 400 hours. Also I must remember next time the fresh pasta from Terry T's is rubbash.

Food of the Milos
Somewhat controversially given he's not really taken to spicy food, apart from hot pepperdews weirdly, he inhales last night's thai fish curry. I wish he had some consistency in his likes and dislikes.

1 comment:

  1. mmmm, meatballs. Ron's favourite and most requested but they are a bugger to make hence the reason I usually buy 5kgs of mince and make HUNDREDS for the freezer! We have had some cracking meals while Mum stayed with us, will be writing up the recipes for the food blog when I get some time. Sausage stew for supper tonight, YUMOLA!

