Tuesday, 13 April 2010

thai meatball curry

Operation Empty Freezer continues apace with some of last week's thai meatball curry. However, whilst the Operation seems to be working out fine, the camera is definitely suffering from another dose of battery gah (or maybe shutter knack?), so you'll have to either imagine what the amazing dish looks like. Or you can just look hither, or indeed thither.

I wasn't sure about this incarnation of the curry when I cooked it last week, it wasn't as pungent as the first time I made it, and the meatballs didn't quite hold together, but freezing it makes all the difference. Freezing seems to concentrate the flavour, so tonight it's much much better. Top tip there.

Lucy Lou, you will notice I backdate my updates. Whenever there's a small break in the updates (due to excess facebooking or searching for Scandinavian design pieces on the internet), I try to do the most recent and on the same night, the furthest away. Does that make sense? So tonight I'll also update last Tuesday...

thai meatball coconut curry - Delicious - August 2009, p55

1 comment:

  1. this sounds very nice - I shall give it a shot. I am also all for something that benefits from freezing as so much food doesn't! Camera will be on its way - Mum dropping it off today. x

