Sunday 13 February 2011

angela boggiano's rich beef ragu

Having spent all day yesterday in a brilliant pub on Haverstock Hill celebrating Miss Kate Smither's birthday, eating steak and chips (or crisps and chips if you're Milo), and drinking fine ale, today we're all about taking it easy.

Naturally this begins with brunch at the Med Kitchen with Kendra, Brian and Finn, before heading over to The Science Museum to lurk around the kid's play area and the planes. Incidentally who's up for this - Brenda? Page? Lucyfer? Anybody?

Anyway, exhausted by our day out we opt for something easy peasy lemon squeezy - Angela Boggiano's rich beef ragu! I love making it, it's basically the same as the spinach and parmesan meatballs (hmm by the same author, go figure), and has a really deep flavour, and is the perfect accompaniment to watching Misfits on the Nation's Least-Favourite Video on Demand Service.

Also, whilst we're kicking back with ASBO superheroes, I've also got some pumpkin soup simmering away on the hob for lunch tomorrow.

Food of the Milos
We're out and about today, but the intake of various anti-nutritional foods continues after yesterday's chip-fest...
Breakfast: Toast, apple, cheese and ham;
Brunch: sausage, chips and beans - although he doesn't really eat much of them. Raisins, banana and grapes at Kendra's;
Dinner: Ana makes giant fish finger and beans whilst we are snuggled up on the sofa watching Scooby Doo. Again.

rich beef ragu - Angela Boggiano, Delicious, March 2007, p51
pumpkin soup - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, River Cottage Year, p 199

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